The common walkway is an essential device that helps us cross rugged ground, steep slopes or large gaps, but while most walkways are pretty mundane, there are a special few that are capable of taking your breath away. Whether they’re attached to the side of a mountain, precariously perched between two buildings or stretched across a huge ravine, the following are 10 of the coolest walkways on the planet. Who knew a simple walk could be so exciting!
Suspended Walkway – Gliwice, Poland

This rather ingenious walkway in Poland was designed as a way for bored office staff members to enjoy the benefits of a walk in the countryside without leaving the confines of the office. The walkway is attached to the surrounding buildings by cables and the winding path even features real grass.
Mountainside Walkway – Shaanxi Province, China

If you struggle with heights then this mountainside pathway in China will give you nightmares. The walkway is over 700 years old and the one-foot wide planks of wood are attached straight to the sheer cliff face, thousands of feet above the valley below. Any souls brave enough to tackle the walkway do have to wear a safety harness though.
Crouching Tiger & Turtle Walkway – Germany

You’d be forgiven for mistaking the ‘Crouching Tiger & Turtle’ for a rollercoaster ride on first sight but this impressive structure in Germany is actually a walkway. The sculpture was designed as part of the ‘Capital of Culture’ project and overlooks the city of Duisburg. Visitors are welcome to walk around the winding paths of the walkway, but the loop-the-loop is just for show.
Mountain Skywalk – Hunan Province, China

Few walkways can match the view from the mountain skywalk in Hunan Province, China. The glass bottomed walkway is attached to the side of a mountain and visitors are able to see straight down (if the dare to look) to the valley, thousands of feet below.
Canopy Walk – Brunei

If you’ve always dreamt of being able to swing through the treetops like a monkey then the canopy walk in Brunei is probably the closest you’ll get to achieving that sensation. The incredible walkway is located in the Ulu Ulu National Park Resort in Brunei and provides stunning views across the forest.
Glacier Skywalk – Canada

The Rockies are one of the most stunning mountain ranges in the world and few viewing points provide a more spectacular view of the Rockies than the Glacier Skywalk in Alberta. The viewing platform sits 918ft high and its glass-bottomed flooring allows a perfect view of the valley below.
Titlis Cliff Walk – Switzerland

The Titlis Cliff Walk is one of the coolest walkways in the world for a number of reasons: It’s located right at the top of the Swiss Alps, it sits 1,500ft above a glacier and it’s the highest suspension bridge in Europe!
Stairway To Heaven – Hawaii

Hawaii is one of the most beautiful islands on earth and the best place to get a perfect view of this tropical paradise is on a mountain walkway known as ‘Stairway To Heaven’. The walkway has a total of 3,922 steps and leads to the summit at the top of Ko’olau mountain range, which provides one of the most spectacular view on the planet.
Langkawi Sky Bridge – Malaysia

The Langkawi Sky Bridge in Malaysia is almost as impressive to look at as it is to walk across. The stunning pedestrian foot-bridge is located at the top of mount Gunung Mat Chinchang, over 2,000ft above sea level, and provides breathtaking views across the island of Pulau Langkawi.
Skybridge – Sochi, Russia

This incredible skybridge in Sochi, Russia is believed to be the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in the world, at almost 1km long. The incredible walkway is capable of supporting up to 30,000 people at a time and also has a zip line and a platform for bungee jumping!