If there’s one thing the beginning of the 21st century will be remembered for it’s the introduction of smartphones and, with that new technology, the rise in popularity of selfies. Whether they‘re plastered on Facebook, sent with Whatsapp or posted on Twitter, selfies have become the new craze of this millennium, with each new picture trying to outdo the last. The last few years have seen extreme selfies become the new flavour of the month and it seems people are now even willing to risk their lives to get that perfect shot. If you needed any more proof, just check out the next 10 slides.
Alexander Remnev Selfie – Dubai’s Princess Tower

This vertigo inducing selfie was taken by Alexander Remnev and his friend at the very top of the Princess Tower in Dubai, the world’s tallest residential building, with 101 floors and a height of 1,356ft.
Running The Bulls Selfie – Spain

If the running of the bulls in Pamplona wasn’t a dangerous enough activity to take part in, how about trying to take a selfie at the same time? That’s exactly what this crazy guy successfully attempted in 2014. Not the most sensible idea though!
The Bear Selfie – North America

A recent craze in North America has seen people trying to capture selfies with wild bears in the background. The problem became so widespread that a public safety warning was eventually released, reminding people of the dangers of getting too close to the wild animals: e.g. they can tear you in half!
Christ The Redeemer Selfie – Brazil

Lee Thompson decided that being at the top of Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro wasn’t quite extreme enough for a selfie so he decided to take one on the very top of the Christ The Redeemer statue instead. The results are pretty stunning though!
Mustang Wanted Selfie – Ukraine

Ukrainian daredevil Mustang Wanted is known for his crazy stunts at the top of skyscrapers and this selfie, taken from the top of a skyscraper in Kiev, is one of his craziest. The urban climber risks life and limb to get some of the most incredible (and dangerous) selfies on the internet.
Volcano Crater Selfie – South Pacific

If you were inside the red hot atmosphere of an active volcano crater, you’d think the last thing on your mind would be capturing a selfie but that’s exactly what occurred to the adventurer George Kourounis. The Canadian took this incredible selfie from inside a volcano crater in the South Pacific with the red-hot magma glowing in the background.
Fighter Pilot Selfie – Denmark

This incredible selfie came from the cockpit of an F-16 fighter jet as the Danish pilot was just launching a missile strike. It really doesn’t get much more dangerous or extreme than that… we just hope he was concentrating on the skies rather than the camera!
Bungee Jump Selfie – New Zealand

It doesn’t get much more extreme than throwing yourself off a bridge with only a bit of elastic tied to your legs, but how about trying to capture a selfie at the same time? That’s exactly what these crazy people achieved in New Zealand and the results are quite spectacular.
Selfie In Front Of A Speeding Train – Peru

In 2014, Jared Michael shot to fame when he tried to take a selfie in front of a speeding train in Peru. The results weren’t quite what he expected though, as he drifted far too close to the train and the driver was forced to kick him in the head to save him from being hit by hundreds of tons of speeding metal!
Plane Crash Selfie – Hawaii

In December 2014 a plane crashed into the ocean off the coast of Hawaii, leaving one dead and the other eight passengers fighting for their lives. One of the passengers, Ferdinand Puentes, happened to have a GoPro camera on him during the crash and captured the incredible scenes unfolding, including an unbelievable selfie with the plane sinking into the ocean in the background. Fortunately, Puentes and the other seven passengers were eventually rescued.