For many people, their wedding is the most important day of their lives, where everything has to be absolutely perfect. Some people want the flowers to be just right, others worry about getting the perfect band, while for some, the whole ceremony has to leave the guests speechless. While everyone wants their wedding to be special, there are some couples who go that extra mile to make their big day truly unique. The following is a list of 15 of the most bizarre weddings ever created.
A Bungee Jump Wedding

An extreme sport and a wedding might not seem like a traditional partnership but for Jeroen and Sandra Kippers, from Brussels, Belgium, it was the perfect mix. The couple decided to have a bungee themed wedding, which consisted of themselves, the officiant, 20 guests and an orchestra being lifted 160 feet in the air on a hovering platform. Once the unique ceremony was over the newlyweds celebrated tying the knot in the only way they knew how, by performing a bungee jump straight off the platform!